Every year East Fork Special Utility District (“East Fork”) finds itself in possession of unclaimed cash from uncashed checks, deposits, refunds, over-payments and other transactions creating a credit balance. This property is presumed abandoned and is subject to Chapter 76 of the Texas Property Code governing Unclaimed Property.

Reclaim Your Property

Look for your name or your business name on the Unclaimed Property List linked below. If East Fork is holding cash belonging to you, the East Fork Comptroller wants to help you get your cash back.

Cash belonging to you will continue to be held until you claim it. Whenever an owner wants to claim his/her/its cash, the owner must present proof of the claim to the East Fork Comptroller to establish the right to receive the cash.

Claim Process

Check the Unclaimed Property List:  Unclaimed Funds List

Review the list of names to see if East Fork possesses any unclaimed cash owned by you.

Complete, Sign, and Submit a Claim Form:   Unclaimed Funds Form

Or scan and email the completed FORM with attached documentation to the East Fork Comptroller: dana@eastforksud.com

Or mail the completed FORM with attached documentation to:

East Fork Special Utility District

Attn: Comptroller

1355 Troy Road

Wylie, Texas 75098

Claim Process Time

With accurate information and no complications, your claim should be processed and a check mailed in approximately 30 days.

To Reclaim Cash valued at more than $100

Contact the East Fork Comptroller (dana@eastforksud.com) to determine whether the unclaimed cash was deposited with the Texas Comptroller’s unclaimed property department. If the cash is held by the Texas Comptroller, visit the unclaimed property website at https://www.claimittexas.gov/.


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